Play Matters Archives - Preschool Inspirations Preschool Activities and Learning Thu, 18 Jun 2020 22:41:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 73520101 20+ Pool Noodle Hacks & Learning Ideas Thu, 30 May 2019 13:36:28 +0000 Pool noodles are the perfect material to transform into a pool noodle hack for a summer themed activity or idea. The bonus is that they are available almost everywhere. Normally, when we think of pool noodles, we picture them bobbing around the pool or watching kids have a pool noodle fight. But they have soView Post

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I Teach the Whole Child Sat, 11 Aug 2018 00:00:19 +0000 As a seasoned teacher, I know that I am helping set the foundation for children, not just for this year or kindergarten, but for a lifetime. I am teaching the whole child! Our class is not centered around my direct instruction. Instead, it involves interactions with other children, the ability to process information, decision-making skillsView Post

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The Case for Delaying Screen Time for Kids Fri, 10 Nov 2017 21:56:19 +0000 Kids spend more and more time in front of screens. These five tips will help you limit screen time for kids and find a healthy balance for the whole family. Silence is golden, unless you have kids. Then silence probably means that they’re on an electronic device. Sometimes this is exactly what us parents needView Post

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Is It Wasteful to Play With Food? Wed, 25 Mar 2015 12:00:00 +0000 When there are starving children all around the world, should we encourage children to play with food? Is it wasteful to play with food? I hear lots of people use this reasoning when they see an activity where food is used with children.   Is it Wasteful to Play with Food? Today I share thisView Post

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The Best of 2014 Fri, 02 Jan 2015 12:00:22 +0000 Are you curious about my most visited and most popular posts? I’ve compiled my top 10 posts for you (and a bonus) in this one post, so if you missed any, you can definitely catch up! At the very end is the best posts of the Kid Blogger Network, so make sure to look throughView Post

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DIY Pattern Block Game Thu, 10 Jul 2014 21:30:47 +0000 I love finding and making fun ways to teach children that are also stress free. This pattern block  learning activity came to me while I was reading one of my new favorite idea books ever. This book…oh my! The moment I started going through it, my brain entered creativity heaven. Plus it has the coolestView Post

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5 Key Things Preschool Teachers Want you to know Before Starting Preschool Wed, 02 Jul 2014 21:30:14 +0000 Is preschool around the corner? As a veteran preschool teacher, there are some things you should know. Preschool can be one of the most magical and exciting times in a child’s life. It also helps set the stage for kindergarten and beyond.   Many well-meaning parents have walked through my door and given me a listView Post

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The Importance of Sensory Play Wed, 30 Apr 2014 12:51:40 +0000 Don’t you just love how it feels to dip your fingers in a bin of rice?! My hands feel as though they are saying “ahhh.” While playing in rice and other sensory items feels great, it is also so important! Little ones especially need it, and it is incredibly beneficial for them to have dailyView Post

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Easter Egg Music Shakers — Just Playing? Thu, 17 Apr 2014 13:00:07 +0000 When children creatively use objects with meaning and purpose completely on their own, that is one of my ultimate joys! I’m going to share about our child-made Easter egg music shakers. This is also a great alternative if you prefer to put something that is not candy into Easter eggs. I am completely convinced thatView Post

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Play-Based Learning: Why it Matters Tue, 01 Apr 2014 22:00:39 +0000 Learning through play may seem like casual play, but the truth is that it is an art! For the longest time, I tried to figure out what “learning through play” meant. Some thoughts that ran through my head were: Is it structured? Does it involve planning? What is the role of the teacher or adult?View Post

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