Comments on: Simple Tips for Potty Training a 3 Year Old Preschool Activities and Learning Sun, 09 Jun 2024 03:47:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Katie T. Christiansen Sun, 09 Jun 2024 03:47:12 +0000 In reply to Courtney Anderson.

Hi Courtney,
That’s definitely a lot of pressure that the school is putting on you all, and I wish more schools would treat this milestone as we do in every other childhood milestone. The key to potty training is relaxation, so pressure can definitely backfire. I recommend using a toilet seat insert for children that has steps and handles. Spend some time playing in the bathroom without going in with the purpose of using it. There are lots of tips and expert advice in my course, Peaceful Potty Training. Wishing you both the best!

By: Courtney Anderson Fri, 07 Jun 2024 00:19:42 +0000 My son turned 3 in April Of this year. He has absolutely no interest in using the potty. If we pick him up and put him on the potty he cries and immediately stands up. We have tried a lot of things and honestly I’m not sure he’s ready but his school is pressuring us to potty train. They asked us to put him in underwear. But after two days he’s now hiding that he wet and says he’s dry when we ask if he peed. He doesn’t like sitting on the toilet or the potty. He drinks a lot of liquids every day ( 5/6 15 oz cups a day) and doesn’t hold his pee at all. If it wasn’t for his school requirements I would t care that he’s not ready but I don’t know what else to do to try and help him get ready.

By: Katie T. Christiansen Tue, 05 Apr 2022 01:02:30 +0000 In reply to Shinae.

Hi Shinae,
This is very common! First off, I don’t recommend having children sit on the toilet for more than 3 minutes (unless they are constipated). It sounds like she is working on finding her inner body signals, which is tough for some kids. You can help with this by helping her identify other things like when she’s hungry and even things like practicing yoga. Next, have her sit on the toilet when it makes sense with her body. My visual schedule will help with this. Another option would be to seek out an Occupational Therapist to help with interoception. You’ve got this! Best wishes to you both!!

By: Shinae Fri, 01 Apr 2022 10:24:18 +0000 Hey Katie I have a 3 and half year old almost 4 in august she in pre kindy and they want her toilet trained but she sits on the toilet but doesn’t do anything she will sit there for ages but once she gets off the toilet she will end up weeing or pooping in her pull up pants or underwear what do I do?

By: Katie T. Christiansen Mon, 28 Feb 2022 17:00:05 +0000 In reply to Serena.

Hi Serena, It sounds like she’s off to a good start! She hasn’t learned interoception yet, which is the ability for her brain and bladder to tell each other that she needs to go potty and for that to actually happen. Make sure not to overdo sitting on the potty since she doesn’t go often. I would have her sit at a specific time each day (after a meal, before a bath, etc). The visual schedule will help with that. Also, don’t have her sit for more than 3 minutes. Keep the potty a positive association! In my course, Peaceful Potty Training, I give tips on what to work on in many other ways (physical, cognitive, and emotional) to help with in the meantime. Best wishes to you both!!

By: Serena Thu, 24 Feb 2022 14:17:50 +0000 💗serena]]> Hi katie my daughter is 3 and 3mths old ive tried absolutely everything amd camt manage to get her on the potty some days she will sit on it but not often does any wee come she is in preschol at the moment her 1st yr and will sit on toilet for the the teacher in school but thats about it ive tryed the reward chart ive got her lots abooks but noting seems to work and she has to be potty trained for September wen she starts her 2nd yr many tanks any advice would be great as im struggling and feel like am i doing something wrong 🥰💗serena

By: Katie T. Christiansen Tue, 21 Dec 2021 03:13:40 +0000 In reply to Lynn C.

Hi Lynn,
Yes, you can absolutely print the guide book and visual schedule. It is on Teachable and you can watch it as many times as you would like :). I hope this helps!

By: Lynn C Sat, 04 Dec 2021 16:55:54 +0000 In reply to Katie T. Christiansen.

Katie, if I take this course can I print the guide book and visual chart? Also am I limited on when I can read it? What if I have to go back to it for help. How does this work.

By: Katie T. Christiansen Wed, 31 Mar 2021 15:07:00 +0000 In reply to Megan Hill.

Hi Megan,

If he is wetting his diaper constantly, I wouldn’t try to switch him to underwear yet. He’s not quite ready for that, although there are many other skills you can work on in the meantime (including having him dress and undress himself, change his wet diapers, washing his hands after the process, etc). But honestly, moving to underwear is one of the last steps of potty training. I know that a number of potty training methods take away the diaper first, but that backfires for many children and causes complications. Peaceful Potty Training has a step-by-step process to get to underwear so that you know exactly when he’s ready for it to make the process as successful as possible.

As a general rule, wait until he can hold his pee for 2 or more hours and goes a lot at once. Then, he’ll also feel the sensation that he needs to go more easily.

Something to be mindful of is that constant urination can be an early sign of Type 1 Diabetes. If he has any other signs, I would bring this up with your pediatrician. I only mention this because I know children who have been diagnosed at 3 and 4 years old.

Hopefully, everything is normal though, and he should naturally start holding his bladder soon (without having to be naked).

Wishing you the best,


By: Megan Hill Tue, 30 Mar 2021 04:05:51 +0000 Hello! My son is newly 3. He was close to being potty trained a few months ago but only when naked. Our problem is he can’t seem to hold his pee. If I set him on the toilet he goes. But then in about 20 mins he pees again on the floor. Is he not Getting it all out? He pees all day long severaL times an hour. He poops on potty no problem. Can’t feel the urge to go unless his diaper is off
