Comments on: 5 Tips for Choosing the Best Preschool Curriculum Preschool Activities and Learning Mon, 12 Sep 2022 01:12:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Theodore Winston Fri, 06 Oct 2017 12:52:50 +0000 My daughter is starting this fall and she is absolutely thrilled! She’s already made her mom buy her a ton of things she thought she might need. I agree that learning through experience is the best way to learn. I like that you mentioned about the different kinds of learners. I would like to find a school/daycare who supports these specific kinds of learners. Cheers!

By: John Mahoney Mon, 13 Mar 2017 23:59:06 +0000 I liked when you talked at bout choosing a preschool curriculum that meets your child’s needs. It makes sense that remembering this can he4lp you find something your children will enjoy and learns from. I would want to ake sure I plan ahead and find a preschool that is at a convenient location for me so I don’t spend too much time on the road.

By: john Mahoney Sat, 03 Dec 2016 00:24:12 +0000 My son will be going to preschool next year and I want to make sure he has the best program around. I hadn’t thought about asking if the curriculum includes nature education, I can see why this is a great thing to teach your kids. I will make sure to ask the school if they offer this in their curriculum.
